
Dec 5, 2012

Dec 5, 2012 Midweek Confessions

One of the first blogs I ever started reading is E, Myself, & I.  E is the older sister of one of my friends, and I've been reading her blog for I think three years now?  Anyway, I'm excited to finally have my own blog going so I can participate in her Wednesday series of Midweek Confessions!  Here we go!

- It's finals week, and even though I have two take-home finals due Friday, and a rather involved teacher work sample due.. wait, when is it due?  Next week sometime, I think.  Anyway, despite all of these things I have to do, I stayed in bed until three today.  Sometimes you just need to catch up on your sleep, and that sometimes is usually always when I have the most to do.  (Also, I'm sure it goes without saying that I'm writing this blog post instead of studying.  Double-confession.)

- Christmas is my favorite time of year, but this year, I'm just not feeling it.  This will be the first holiday season without my mom (she passed away in June due to breast cancer), and it's made me just want to avoid the holidays all together.  I didn't go home for Thanksgiving for that exact reason, but I will be back in Virginia in a few weeks for Christmas.  I'm hoping to be able to focus on the reason for the season and try to stay positive, but it's going to be tough.

- I have next to zero dollars in my bank account (grad school hollaaaaa), which means that my family is helping me with my expenses until I graduate in July, so I feel extremely guilty when my they ask what I want for Christmas.  But I also know that I cannot afford this Erin Condren planner on my own, so I'm considering asking for it anyway.  It's so ridiculously expensive, but it's just So. Very. Awesome.  I don't care how great technology is, I feel lost without my planner.  This is a worthwhile expense, right?
Erin Condren Life Planner - Calendar pagesErin Condren Life Planner - breast cancer pattern
- I ate an entire lasagna and half a pint of Ben & Jerry's Monday because a girl at the study hall I run made me cry and it made me worry that high schoolers will eat me alive.  Not my most encouraging moment for teaching.

I'm very very sad because E didn't do Midweek Confessions last week, and doesn't have a linky party for it this week.  Oh well, next Wednesday is only seven days away, right? ;)

What are your Midweek Confessions?
