
Feb 18, 2014

Feb 18, 2014 Mini- Binder Dividers

As in, mini-dividers for your binder, not dividers for your mini-binder.  Confusing, I know.

Anyway! Last week I finally bit the bullet and started printing hard copies of my favorite recipes. I love to cook, and it was getting a bit ridiculous trying to look up the same recipes over and over. I knew I wanted to organize the recipes by type, but I also knew that I had no dividers on hand and didn't feel like buying any.

The good news is, with a little cardstock and some labels, I created some mini-dividers that get the job done and look pretty doing it! Here's how to do the same yourself:

1. Grab some pretty labels and cardstock. I have a book of 5x7 multicolor cardstock that I used, but the name of the game is Use Whatever You Have On Hand, so any size will really do. My labels are from the dollar spot at Target, and the cardstock, ummm, who knows where I bought it. It's lasted me ages.

2. Use a ruler to divide your cardstock in two, vertically.  If you use 5x7 cardstock like I did, you'll end up with two 2.5x7 pieces.

3. Using the ruler (again), put the left edge of your label approximately half an inch from the left edge, which will make your label appear centered.  As you can see, I wasn't very precise measuring this.  As for how far from the top I placed the label, I just eyeballed it with a slight border from the top.  (If you are using a different size cardstock, you will need to play around to figure out where to place the label in order for it to still appear centered after you punch your holes.)

4. Use the ruler on your 3-hole-punch to punch holes in the same place in each piece of cardstock.  This is the hardest part, but, honestly, it's not too hard.  I held my cardstock up to paper in the binder already to determine about where I wanted the holes, and then I used the ruler on the 3-hole-punch to approximate that measurement.  In retrospect, I wish I had made the holes a little lower so that the dividers poked out a bit more at the top, but to me it was more important to have the dividers consistent. (I tried to show you the ruler on my 3-hole-punch here, but I wasn't as successful as I'd hoped.)

So there you have it!  They don't really have the same functionality of regular binder dividers, but I already know the order of my categories in my recipe binder, so this does the job, cost me nothing, and adds a little bit of pretty! :)