
Dec 19, 2014

Dec 19, 2014 Beginning Again

Welp, my last post was in MAY.  Whoops.  So much has happened, though.

So. Much.

Patrick and I decided that Wilmington, while awesome, didn't have any career opportunities for either of us, so, rather than continue to spin our wheels, we packed up and moved back up to the DC area.  We've been here since July, and the move was definitely the right one for us.  I wasn't able to get a teaching job, so I've been in the restaurant business - still - but I actually just got a great new opportunity that I start January 5th!  I'll be working from home much of the time, and traveling the remainder of the time, but I'm hoping that this kind of schedule will free me up to blog more.

To be fair, blogging even once a month would be "more," so maybe I should set my sights a bit higher! :)  At any rate, my sister has been telling me to get the blog going, so hopefully after the new year, I will do just that!